This Is Going to Hurt will definitely hurt. I would like to publicly apologise to Adam Kay for not reading this gem of a book sooner. This Is Going to Hurt would definitely be on the list and it would take me a lifetime to read it, just like it did in this lifetime. What stopped me from buying them as soon as I felt there was something special about them? What made me choose any other book apart from that one, the one which would become one of favourites? Even when said book followed me everywhere, clearly wanting, needing to be read? Wouldn’t it be easier if every person was born and a list of “books that will change your life” was handed out to them as soon as they started breathing? And you know what I would do with that list? I would probably save it somewhere and read every single book that was ever published and then I would read the ones on that list. Sometimes I wonder why it took me so long to read some of my favourite books.

The result is a first-hand account of life as a junior doctor in all its joy, pain, sacrifice and maddening bureaucracy, and a love letter to those who might at any moment be holding our lives in their hands. He kept a diary throughout his training, and This Is Going to Hurt intersperses tales from the front line of the NHS with reflections on the current crisis. My rating: ★★★★★ (a necessary yearly read from now on) SynopsisĪdam Kay was a junior doctor from 2004 until 2010 before a devastating experience on a ward caused him to reconsider his future. Trigger warnings: graphic scenes and language Title: This Is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor This Is Going to Hurt published by Pan Macmillan (UK)