To end the book, Margo goes grovelling to Josh and apologises (for what exactly? Having a male friend?) Throughout the book, when Josh and Margo argue, Josh always grabs Margo by the wrists and forcibly restrain her while she tries to get away from him. Yet somehow this adds up to Josh being scarily jealous and abusive, and Margo blaming herself. I'd like you out by the end of the week." She sank to the floor and rocked.ummm is this supposed to be a healthy relationship? Margo's only crime is that she is very beautiful, she had a successful modelling career, she (before she got with Josh) she slept with men when she was attracted to them. I told you in the beginning, I don't share. You've never had any more respect for me than you do for yourself. Why should you change?" Josh: "We know what we think of each other, Margo. You should be able to figure out what that makes you." She would rather he'd used his fists on her. Then this happens (these are all actual quotes from the book): Josh put his hands in his pockets to keep them off her throat. Margo is shaking, her teeth are chattering, and she is "terrified" by Josh's anger. Margo finds Josh in their hotel room but he won't allow her to explain. Margo tries to explain this to Josh but he storms out. Margo and Claudio are strictly just friends. Josh walks in on Margo and Claudio, Claudio = Italian film director friend of Margo's. I had to pause near the end out of disgust If you get this one, just go ahead and get the rest of the series and read them in order-with a couple of boxes of tissues. I like the scene when she finally realizes how much she wants Josh-she grew up with him, like a sister, but he has been in love with her all her life-and she finally realizes she first wants him-enough to break into his office and start undressing him-nobody does sex like Miss Norah! The scene where she finds the coin-and especially when she discovers that she is pregnant, and surprise surprise, she is very very happy about it.

I like all three of the girls, and loved all three of the novels in the series-but Margo is different-about the time you get used to her being worldly, totally selfish, totally living in the moment, she comes through as totally caring, totally sweet- Scenes. And I have started getting the audible copies, because i like being able to listen on my MP3 player at the gym, or when I'm vacuuming, and on the Kindle any time I can't physically hold a book. I bought most of them in paperback, until I ran out of room, and now I have them on the Kindle. I was a public librarian, a cataloger, when she was writing them, and I usually grabbed her books as soon as they came in, before they were processed. There probably are Norah Roberts novels that I haven't read-especially the early ones.